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Calcium Deficiency May Cause Serious Health Problems, Check Details

Calcium is an important mineral that keeps our bones and teeth healthy. In addition, calcium is also needed by our muscles to function. When you don’t get enough calcium, you may experience some disorders. Lack of calcium is known as hypocalcemia. Calcium levels in the body are detected through blood samples. If the doctor suspects calcium deficiency after checking your family history, they take your blood sample and check the calcium, albumin, and ionized calcium levels. Normal calcium levels for adult ranges of 8.8-10.4 mg per deciliter (mg/dl). If your calcium level remains below 8.8 mg/dl, you may suffer from calcium deficiency.

According to Healthline, the causes of hypocalcemia are:


Hypermagnesemia and hypomagnesemia

Septic shock

Medication used to treat elevated calcium levels


Low vitamin D levels

Renal failure

Blood transfusions

Hungry bone syndrome

Some chemotherapy drugs

Vegan is more likely to risk hypocalcemia because they don’t eat calcium -rich milk products. Although there are no symptoms of short -term hypocalcemia, long -term hypocalcemia can cause serious health problems.

Symptoms of hypocalcemia are:

Muscle spasms

Confusion or memory loss


Weak and brittle nails

Bones fracturing easily

Numbness and tingling in feet, face and hands

Muscle cramps


Hypocalcemia should not be treated alone, and people must visit a doctor as soon as one of the symptoms mentioned. Self -care can cause kidney stones if the patient takes more calcium than the recommended levels. Supplements such as calcium carbonate, calcium citrate and calcium phosphate are given in liquid, tablets and chewing to treat hypocalcemia. Some drugs also interact negatively with calcium supplements and can cause problems. Therefore, visit a doctor and only consume the specified calcium supplement dose is recommended to treat deficiencies.

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