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Russian Parliament Gets Proposal For Vladimir Putin To Be Called “Ruler” Instead Of President: Report

Loyalist to Russian leader Vladimir Putin said that he must be called the “ruler” of the country rather than the “president” to stay away from the term originating from the Western language.
Quoting the news outlet managed by the Ria Novosti government, Newsweek reports that the Liberal Democratic Party (LDPR) – is seen traditionally loyal to the Kremlin – proposing the idea to replace the term “president” with “pravitel”, which means “ruler” in English, because the term “President” has not taken “full root” in Russia.

The party also said that using the term “president” always “embarrassing” them. They argue that this term was first used at the end of the 18th century in the United States and then spread throughout the world.

“In our country, according to historical standards, this is generally a new word, and until it is fully rooted, you can safely replace it. For example, with the phrase “head of state” or the word “ruler”. Both are more understood by Russia’s ears, “LDPR said according to the outlet.

Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov, on the other hand, said that Vladimir Putin did not have a position in this matter. “Right now all this is at the discussion stage,” said Peskov, added, “President Putin has no view of this.”

Meanwhile, this happened after it was reported that in Crimea, Russia’s annexation from Ukraine in 2014, a dictionary was prepared to replace words borrowed from foreign languages. The head of the Regional Parliament, Vladimir Kontantinov, reportedly said last month that officials had prepared a “very good dictionary with a certain sense of humor”.

Mr. Constantinov told me that the dictionary contained a Russian variant of the “borrowed” words. “The dominance of foreign words is dangerous to our culture and language. The time has come to end this, “he added.

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